Math 2710 Transition to Advanced Mathematics Fall 2022
Instructor: Ralf Schiffler
Office: Mont 336
Office hours: TT 10:00-11:00 or by appointment
Email: schiffler at math dot uconn dot edu
Lectures: OAK269, TuTh 2:00pm‑3:15pm
Exam schedule :
Exam 1: Thursday Oct 13
Exam 2: Tuesday Dec 6
Description: This course is an introduction to basic concepts and techniques of mathematical proof. We will cover the basics of set theory and logic, proof techniques for conditional and non-conditional statements, mathematical induction, relations and functions, i.e. chapters 1, 2, 4-12 of the textbook.
This course is a prerequisite for most of the 3000-level MATH courses. You will need to earn a “C” or better in this course in order to use it as a prerequisite.
Textbook: Richard Hammack, Book of Proof. Third edition. Free textbook available here. You can use the online book and/or download the pdf-version.
Homework: Homework will be assigned on Thursdays and collected the following Thursday. I will only grade a subset of the assigned problems in detail and you will know which ones. For the remaining problems, I will only check if the work is done. These problems will be important for the exams.
I encourage you to work on the homework assignments in groups. However, each student must hand in their own copy.Homework must be on letter-size paper only and multiple pages must be stapled together. I will NOT accept any LATE HOMEWORK, but I will drop the two problem sets with the lowest grades when I compute the final homework grade.
Exams: There will be two exams. Each exam covers the material seen in class since the previous exam. There is no final exam.
Course Grade:
Exam 1: 35%
Exam 2: 35%
Homework: 30%