About me
I am a professor of mathematics at UConn. My research is in cluster algebras, representation theory and related areas and is supported by the NSF grant DMS-2348909.
- Here is my CV and here is an article about my work in Quanta Magazine.
- Citations in Google scholar
- I am an editor for Journal London Math. Soc., Bulletin London Math. Soc., and Annals of Representation Theory.
Upcoming Conferences
- Workshop on Perspectives on Markov Numbers, Banff International Research Station, January 26 - 31, 2025, Canada.
- Workshop on Representation Theory, Symplectic Geometry, and Cluster Algegra, Banff International Research Station, March 30 - April 4, 2025, Canada.
- Frises en algèbre, combinatoire et géométrie , May 12–16, 2025, Luminy, France.
- Auslander conference April 23 - 28, 2025, Woods Hole, USA.
- Geometric Models in Representation Theory and Beyond , June10–13, 2025, Trondheim, Norway.
- Mathematical Congress of the Americas, July 21-25, 2025, Miami, USA.
Selected Publications
- R. Schiffler and K. Serhiyenko, A geometric model for syzygies over 2-Calabi-Yau tilted algebras II, IMRN, rnad078, (2023).
- E. Barnard, E. Gunawan, E. Meehan and R. Schiffler, Cambrian combinatorics on quiver representations (type A), Adv. Appl. Math. 143, (2023), 102428.
- V. Bazier-Matte and R. Schiffler, Knot theory and cluster algebras, Adv. Math. 408 B (2022), Article 108609.
- K. Lee and R. Schiffler, Cluster algebras and Jones polynomials, Sel. Math. New Ser. (2019) 25: 58.
- C. Paquette and R. Schiffler, Group actions on cluster algebras and cluster categories, Adv. Math. 345, (2019) 161-221.
- İ. Çanakçı and R. Schiffler, Cluster algebras and continued fractions, Compos. Math. 154 (3) (2018) 565-593.
- K. Lee and R. Schiffler, Positivity for cluster algebras, Ann. Math. 182 (1), (2015) 73-125.